Monday, November 10, 2008

Three months and some elastic wasteband pants (for her)

Week 12, at the end of this week the first trimester will be over! We went to the doctor's this week and saw the baby's heartbeat for the first time. A strong 167 beats per minute. The little one was saluting us the entire time. Too cute! We will try to get the sonograms up as soon as we get them scanned. Mama Richards is down to her last pair of fat jeans. Elastic wasteband is in our future!


tessahjake said...

Congrats you!!!!! OH yay!!!! Another baby quilt I get to make yipee..... ok now we really need to get together and craft!

Kristen said...

Congratulations to the 2 of you. How exciting, Brandy you are going to be soo cut pregnant, can't wait for the future pics. Can you send me your mailing address I can't seem to find it.

Kristen said...

yeah that would be cute not cut!!!

The Richards said...

haha! Thanks you guys! Our address is 8521 Golden Street Unit 4 Anchorage, AK 99502

Oh and we need Brady's Santa list!!!

Joanna, A baby quilt? You are too good!!!

miv714 said...

I love the idea of becoming a Dad again AND a great-uncle this May. Congratulations to you both. Miss you!

Scott, Meghan & Scarlett

miv714 said...

Yes, Scott wrote that!

The Richards said...

Thanks guys for the well wishes! We are excited to see a new little Domenici in May! :)