So the gang packed up the Subaru and took the 4 and 1/2 hour drive to Homer, AK. This trip was made even longer because we kept having to pull over for Bryce's little "bathroom breaks". Seriously though Homer was absolutley awesome. The B+B seconded as a winery. To all the wine geeks that are makeing that funny face and thinking "wine grapes in Alaska??" The answer is no. They imported the grapes but also used a lot of fruit grown locally. Gooseberries, blueberries, strawberries, and rhubarb. Not too bad!

Hot tub pop a bubbly.
Caution pasty white Alaskans ahead.
Bryce preferred the dry whites buy couldn't pass up a good Merlot.
Brandy works the kite. Diva kite ninja.
Our room in the B+B.
Matt had some issues trying to get the kite airborn.
To make matters worse the kid beside us was able to fly his McGyver kite pretty well.
There was a farmers market with some good old fashioned bluegrass music. That guy in the middle sure does look Alaskan.
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